Firstly there is a development perspective according to Alysa Selene and Wolfgang Blau: Gernan Dream Project. A development perspective on the other hand according to Oliver Scheer,
Wednesday, March 17. 2010
Granada & Zalaegerszeg
Today, Granada (Spain) is moving into the field of view, where the current strategy for the EU's digital agenda has its origins.
The 2nd view goes to Zalaegerszeg (Hungary), the birthplace of the current EU Commissioner for employment, social affairs and inclusion.
Thursday, March 4. 2010
Strategies and so forth
Because strategies are important, here 2 strategies for 2020. Firstly to Gütersloh to the Bertelsmann Foundation. Secondly to Brussels to the EU.
Thursday, February 18. 2010
Paris & The Hague
Friday, January 15. 2010
From Hanover to Bonn & from Hamburg to Walldorf
First of all our way goes from Hanover (Heise-Zeitschriften-Verlag resident) to Bonn (where BSI is located). Topic: Elektonrischer Personalausweis, ePA.
After that from Hamburg (where the Zeit ist based) to Walldorf (SAP headquarters). Topic: Elektonrische Gesundheitskarte, eGK.